
Fraudulent Texas Credit Repair Company!

Credit Repair: A jury has returned $ 13.8 million against a Texas company with the charge of fraudulent promise of eliminating debt and restoring credit ratings. Attorney General Greg Abbott’s announced on Tuesday that the Credit Card Solution and Freedom from debt Alliance should have to pay $13.8 million for consigning fraud against hundreds of Texans. A jury in Houston found that the 4 has failed to register with state authorities. Prosecutors charged seven hundred Texans an average of $3, 000 each, claiming that they could eradicate debts and restore credit ratings just by filling lawsuits. The companies claimed that they could assist the residents to develop loopholes in the credit reporting system. They could also file lawsuits against debt collectors who would wipe out their debts and guide to thousands of dollars in court awarded damages. In a statement Tuesday, the attorney general’s office said that the defendants provided nothing of value and claimed thousands of dollars for the alleged service and struggling customers have received a worse financial condition after paying TCCS.

Well, there are some topics discussed below on how credit repair can be counted. So let’s have a look towards them:

  • 35% Payment history
  • 35% Amounts owed
  • 15% Length of credit history
  • 10% new credit
  • 10% Type of credit