National Credit Solutions provides a very unique credit repair program with proven effectiveness. Our clients have been able to permanently remove the following from their personal credit reports:

  • Mortgage Lates
  • Trade Lines
  • Foreclosures
  • Judgements
  • Bankruptcy
  • Tax Liens
  • How do we achieve these results? National Credit Services does not merely engage in a letter writing campaign on the client’s behalf. Instead, we take a hands on approach and instead of hoping that hand written dispute letters will remove erroneous, obsolete or disputable information, we contact the sources reporting the information directly, namely, the credit providers themselves. And, more importantly for the consumer, we provide a money back guarantee for the work we perform.

    While we do provide traditional credit repair services such as letter writing and electronic reporting directly to the bureaus themselves, we have found that permanent results are derived from our negotiations with the sources of credit.

    Learn more about the National Credit Solutions today. Call us toll free at 1-888-278-9118 or CONTACT US for more information.