Credit Repair Answers

Rate of Repair: How Long Does It Take to Rebuild Credit?
Do you have a bad credit score? When you're dealing with bad…

The 5 Steps to Rebuilding Credit After Bankruptcy
If you've recently filed bankruptcy, you may be worried about…

Buying a House with Bad Credit: How to Fix It Before You Buy
Approximately 68 million Americans (30 percent of all scoreable…

How Does Divorce Affect Credit Scores and What Can You Do About It?
Marriage is more than a bonding of two hearts. It's also a union…

Do Medical Bills Affect Your Credit? Here’s What You Should Know
A recent study found that 2 in 3 patients cannot pay off their…

Credit Recovery Timeline: How Long Do Certain Problems Stay On My Credit Report?
Credit is that ever-dreaded, ever-sought-after thing that can…

THAT Is a Credit Factor? 7 Things You Didn’t Know Affected Your Credit
Approximately 33 percent of Americans have credit in the "Bad"…

Buried Under Medical Bills? Here’s What Medical Collections Will Do to Your Credit
Given that nearly 80% of Americans are saddled by debt, an increasing…
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